Thursday 8 September 2011

nan on tour #4: feast your firenze eyes

half way through my trip to florence and i can say its been the best work one yet. apart from delving into a ridiculously extensive archive and being given free creative reign while setting up a museum, i have fallen head over heels in love with this city.

having never travelled to italy before this job, my imagination had been somewhat suppressed by industrial milan and my too brief trip to rome. florence ticks all the boxes and has that genuine warm feel you expect from italians with an enriched historic beauty to boot. definitely a place everybody should experience in their lifetime.

so, today i visited the museo of salvatore ferragamo.
impressive are the shoes (dating back to the nineteen twenties), but more amazing is the inspiration and creativity that backs it. and obviously the celebrity following too.

for those of you who are partial to a bit of vintage shopping (yay), the citys picks are as follows:
_pitti vintage
quite literally a door along a small side street off via maggio, duck down some crookedy wooden steps to what can only be described as a vintage haven. a lady addresses me by sticking some old tunes on her record player and you can rummage till your hearts content. There are no visible prices but the lady is happy to help. I spotted a chocolate brown mink hat, and at twenty five euro, is pretty much a bargain.

_elio ferraro
described more as a gallery store, wonder at vintage haute couture frequently featured in vogue Italia.

_ceri vintage

siob xx